Our commitment
A business project focused
on social development
At Grupo Gimeno, we are committed to constantly and successfully searching for the balance between our business activity and the environment which surrounds us. For this reason, our companies’ management strategy is thought up and developed while always taking into account the impact that they have on the environment, our clients, our team and society as a whole.
Thanks to the effort of everyone who forms part of the company, we have created a diverse, solid, communicative and committed Group whose dedication to social, economic and environmental development has allowed us to participate in and contribute to improving our environment and living conditions through implementing initiatives that guarantee and promote this commitment.
Commitment to education and outreach
We believe in the value of knowledge and transfer this knowledge as a way of social improvement.
For this reason, we are opting for investing in training resources through our own initiatives and through collaborations with educational bodies and research centres.
Educational projects
Our work on projects gives us the perfect opportunity to foster and promote education and training.

Through the use of an app and cutting-edge technology, this innovative project centred on education and environmental awareness aims to discover the minutest details of the integral water cycle, as well as raise awareness of the importance of water.

The main goal of this educational and environmental awareness project is to educate children on the importance of recycling in a fun and enjoyable way by using the latest technology and recycled material.

Professorships with educational bodies
We foster training, research, knowledge sharing, social responsibility and R+D through the Cátedra FACSA – Universitat Jaume I de innovación en el ciclo integral del agua and the Cátedra UPV-FACSA-FOVASA de Agua, Residuos y Economía Circular.

Training agreements and in-company internships
We encourage the professional, educational and social development of students and we promote the inclusion of people with functional diversity by implementing social intervention strategies that encourage their full development.

Seminars, trade fairs and conferences
We are fully committed to knowledge sharing and are aware of the importance and value of having a presence at meeting points where ideas and debates are generated, and as such we continuously participate in seminars, trade fairs and conferences.

Guided visits of the facilities
Grupo Gimeno organises instructive and educational guided visits of its facilities in order to reveal how it works and raise awareness of the value and responsible use of the resources that we manage.

Vocational training
As part of our commitment to training and continuous innovation, Grupo Gimeno has been one of the companies that have collaborated in the implementation of the new 4.0 education cycle developed by the Department of Education, Culture and Sport in Castellón.
Social commitment
We endeavour to ensure that our business activity leaves a positive impact on society and our surroundings, both by undertaking our activity with corporate social responsibility in mind and carrying out initiatives that promote and drive this commitment.
We contribute to real equity and equality when it comes to students’ opportunities through our grants programmes.

Job centre and internships with vulnerable groups
We promote the inclusion of people at risk of social exclusion through our job centre and internships especially designed for this group, encouraging their professional, educational and social development.

Energy poverty agreements
We uphold agreements with various city councils which guarantee water supply, above all to families at risk of social exclusion.

Equality policy
We incorporate the perspective of gender in our human resource management and we implement fully-endorsed Equality Plans in all of our companies.

Agreements with associations
In order to raise funds to develop their social activity, Grupo Gimeno actively collaborates with different associations and foundations, such as the following: UNICEF, Fundación Síndrome de Down, Fundación SEUR, AECC, Cáritas, ADECCO, Red Cross, etc.

Blood donation campaigns
We periodically collaborate with the Valencian Community’s Transfusion Centre and the Red Cross, hosting donation events in our facilities.
Commitment to the environment
We are fully aware of the need to protect the planet, so therefore we always carry out our business activities following strict parameters in order to respect the environment. In addition, we are constantly researching and innovating in order to implement new ways to contribute to carrying out our activity in a sustainable manner so that we leave a positive impact on our surroundings.
Respect for and preservation of the environment are obvious in our company's’ philosophy, whose management systems comply with the international regulations and requirements aimed at protecting the planet.

Investment in R+D+i
We invest in R+D+i in order to develop new techniques and technological methods that help us increase our facilities’ efficiency, reduce our environmental footprint and, in general, grow in both a sustainable and environmentally friendly fashion.

Fleet of sustainable vehicles
Thanks to their “zero-emissions” electric power, our fleet of vehicles gives us the freedom to travel around sustainably and efficiently, significantly reducing our CO2 emissions.

Calculation and reduction of our carbon footprint
Grupo Gimeno has assumed the commitment to calculate and reduce our carbon footprint both in our work centres and in the operating centres from which we provide our service.

Sustainable facilities
In order to make them as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible, our facilities are equipped with solar panels, low-energy lighting systems, electric vehicle recharging points and devices for reducing water output, among other things.

SANS line of eco-friendly amenities
With SANS, less is more. Less waste, less chemicals and more engagement with the environment in all of our hotels by reducing plastics and by using more natural products.

Aceite Solidario, Rastro Solidario and the Fundación Síndrome de Down Castellón
We collect used oil from our kitchens in order to produce and sell biodiesel, the proceeds of which go directly to the NGO Rastro Solidario and to the Fundación Síndrome de Down Castellón.
Commitment to sport and health
We encourage a healthy lifestyle, putting an emphasis on a healthy and balanced diet and practising sports through development and/or participation in projects in this area.

Sporting competitions
We support and/or lead sporting initiatives such as the Penyagolosa Trails, 10K FACSA, the ‘Ciutat de Castelló’ National Dance Meeting and a multitude of nautical competitions.
FACSA Sports Complex and CF Fomento Castellón
At our football school, CF Fomento, which is based in the FACSA Sports Complex in Castellón, we advocate dynamic training models based on a healthy lifestyle, camaraderie, tolerance, solidarity and enthusiasm.

Healthy habits campaign
Through our Department of Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety we promote healthy lifestyle habits among our employees by means of healthy eating and sports promotion campaigns, among others.
Commitment to education and outreach
We believe in the value of knowledge and transfer this knowledge as a way of social improvement. For this reason, we are opting for investing in training resources through our own initiatives and through collaborations with educational bodies and research centres.
Educational projects
Our work on projects such as gives us the perfect opportunity to foster and promote education and training.

Through the use of an app and cutting-edge technology, this innovative project centred on education and environmental awareness aims to discover the minutest details of the integral water cycle, as well as raise awareness of the importance of water.

The main goal of this educational and environmental awareness project is to educate children on the importance of recycling in a fun and enjoyable way by using the latest technology and recycled material.

Professorships with educational bodies
We foster training, research, knowledge sharing, social responsibility and R+D through the Cátedra FACSA – Universitat Jaume I de innovación en el ciclo integral del agua and the Cátedra UPV-FACSA-FOVASA de Agua, Residuos y Economía Circular.

Training agreements and in-company internships
We encourage the professional, educational and social development of students and we promote the inclusion of people with functional diversity by implementing social intervention strategies that encourage their full development.

Seminars, trade fairs and conferences
We are fully committed to knowledge sharing and are aware of the importance and value of having a presence at meeting points where ideas and debates are generated, and as such we continuously participate in seminars, trade fairs and conferences.

Guided visits of the facilities
Grupo Gimeno organises instructive and educational guided visits of its facilities in order to reveal how it works and raise awareness of the value and responsible use of the resources that we manage.

Vocational training
As part of our commitment to training and continuous innovation, Grupo Gimeno has been one of the companies that have collaborated in the implementation of the new 4.0 education cycle developed by the Department of Education, Culture and Sport in Castellón.
Social commitment
We endeavour to ensure that our business activity leaves a positive impact on society and our surroundings, both by undertaking our activity with corporate social responsibility in mind and carrying out initiatives that promote and drive this commitment.
We contribute to real equity and equality when it comes to students’ opportunities through our grants programmes.

Job centre and internships with vulnerable groups
We promote the inclusion of people at risk of social exclusion through our job centre and internships especially designed for this group, encouraging their professional, educational and social development.

Energy poverty agreements
We uphold agreements with various city councils which guarantee water supply, above all to families at risk of social exclusion.

Equality policy
We incorporate the perspective of gender in our human resource management and we implement fully-endorsed Equality Plans in all of our companies.

Agreements with associations
In order to raise funds to develop their social activity, Grupo Gimeno actively collaborates with different associations and foundations, such as the following: UNICEF, Fundación Síndrome de Down, Fundación SEUR, AECC, Cáritas, ADECCO, Red Cross, etc.

Blood donation campaigns
We periodically collaborate with the Valencian Community’s Transfusion Centre and the Red Cross, hosting donation events in our facilities.
Commitment to the environment
We are fully aware of the need to protect the planet, so therefore we always carry out our business activities following strict parameters in order to respect the environment. In addition, we are constantly researching and innovating in order to implement new ways to contribute to carrying out our activity in a sustainable manner so that we leave a positive impact on our surroundings.
Respect for and preservation of the environment are obvious in our companies’ philosophy, whose management systems comply with the international regulations and requirements aimed at protecting the planet.

Investment in R+D+i
We invest in R+D+i in order to develop new techniques and technological methods that help us increase our facilities’ efficiency, reduce our environmental footprint and, in general, grow in both a sustainable and environmentally friendly fashion.

Fleet of sustainable vehicles
Thanks to their “zero-emissions” electric power, our fleet of vehicles gives us the freedom to travel around sustainably and efficiently, significantly reducing our CO2 emissions.

Calculation and reduction of our carbon footprint
Grupo Gimeno has assumed the commitment to calculate and reduce our carbon footprint both in our work centres and in the operating centres from which we provide our service.

Sustainable facilities
In order to make them as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible, our facilities are equipped with solar panels, low-energy lighting systems, electric vehicle recharging points and devices for reducing water output, among other things.

SANS line of eco-friendly amenities
With SANS, less is more. Less waste, less chemicals and more engagement with the environment in all of our hotels by reducing plastics and by using more natural products.

Aceite Solidario, Rastro Solidario and the Fundación Síndrome de Down Castellón
We collect used oil from our kitchens in order to produce and sell biodiesel, the proceeds of which go directly to the NGO Rastro Solidario and to the Fundación Síndrome de Down Castellón.
Commitment to
sport and health
We encourage a healthy lifestyle, putting an emphasis on a healthy and balanced diet and practising sports through development and/or participation in projects in this area.
Sporting competitions
We support and/or lead sporting initiatives such as the Penyagolosa Trails, 10K FACSA, the ‘Ciutat de Castelló’ National Dance Meeting and a multitude of nautical competitions.

Healthy habits campaign
Through our Department of Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety we promote healthy lifestyle habits among our employees by means of healthy eating and sports promotion campaigns, among others.